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    Recent Advances of Edible Coatings in Reservation of Fruits and Vegetables
    FU Yan-yan, MEI Chuang, WANG Yan-peng, WANG Ji-xun, LU Chun-sheng, YAN Peng, ZHANG Fu-chun, FENG Bei-bei
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (12): 2263-2274.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.12.012
    Abstract734)      PDF (1144KB)(2540)      
    Objective】 The research progress of edible film/coating in fruits and vegetables was collected, sorted out and summarized, the effect of different coating materials was comprehensively analyzed, and the physiological indexes after harvest and storage were summarized in the hope of providing a reference for the wide range of application of edible coating in fruits and vegetables. 【Methods】By collecting and consulting relevant research literatures at home and abroad, agricultural and food official website information, combined with existing research results, we summarized and analyzed the data in the past ten years, and then we conducted statistics. 【Results】 The commonly used coatings for fruit and vegetable preservation currently included polysaccharide coatings (konjac glucomannan and chitosan), lipid coatings (wax and paraffin), protein coatings, composite coatings and other coating materials. Fruit and vegetable could enhance the activity of antioxidant enzymes, improve the antioxidant capacity and reduce the production of free radicals after coating treatment. What’s more, these treatments kept the quality and extended the storage time. For example, ‘Nanguo’ pear and strawberry treated by chitosan extended the storage period for 20 days and 12 days, respectively, and maintained the sensory quality at the same time. 【Conclusion】 At present, polysaccharide and lipid coatings are mainly used in the preservation of prosperous fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, grapes, and the fresh-cut fruits such as cantaloupe to prolong the storage period. The protein coatings are mainly used in meats (pork, fish, etc.) to maintain their quality.
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    The Recent Advances in Research on Carpel and Related Functional Genes in Angiosperm
    Yang Jing, Wang Wei-ran, Zhu Jia-hui, Ning Xin-min, Liu Zhi-qing, Kong jie, Alifu Aierxi
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (8): 1535-1543.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.08.019
    Abstract891)      PDF (1220KB)(1785)      
    Objective】 Carpel is an important female organ in flowering plants, and it as a focus was researched in crop plants development. The origin of the carpel development, the function and development of the carpel, the quantity heredity of carpel and the adjust of hormone, and the gene to control of the carpel development, then the result were summarized the research progress on recent advances in china and abroad. The aim to as a guide for improvement the multi-carpel variety in crop. 【Methods】 The research progress of plant carpels that from the literature databases of china and abroad, then was consulted and analyzed. 【Result】 At present, there have two theories about the origin of carpel: one the theory of carpel and another theory of reproductive leaf; the carpel can protects ovules, receives pollen and makes some egg cells to fertilize, save and disseminates seeds; the development process of carpel is usually folded and curled at the internal space in the organs of flowers, in which the ovules are wrapped and developed. The number of carpels is increase was steady. hormone have important function and effect the carpels development. Genes play an important role in regulating the number and development of carpel. 【Conclusion】As the key of pistil development in angiosperms, carpel is very important for the formation of yield traits. In the future, the study of carpel should focus on the whole process of carpel development. It is a feasible way to identify the functional genes regulating the number and development of carpel as soon as possible, and to breed multi-carpel, high-yield and high-quality varieties through gene improvement.
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    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2024, 61 (8): 0-0.  
    Abstract49)      PDF (44862KB)(1148)      
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    Changes of Root Morphology and Its Relationship with Mineral Elements in Different Soil Depths of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
    DOU Hai-tao, LEI Chang-ying, LI Xia-fei, JIA Meng-meng, XIANG Dao, ZHANG Ya-li, ZHANG Wang-feng
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (8): 1397-1407.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.08.004
    Abstract426)      PDF (1894KB)(884)      
    Objective】 To study the changes of cotton root morphology and the response to mineral elements in different soil depths and analyze the regulation of mineral elements on root morphology in the hope of providing theoretical support for the construction of reasonable cotton root configuration. 【Method】 The root length, root surface area, root volume, root biomass, root nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,calcium, magnesium and sulfur of 37 cotton varieties were tested, and according to the formula, the specific root length, specific root area, root volume and root density were calculated. Finally, the regulation and control relationship between mineral elements and root morphology was studied. 【Result】In 0 - 10 cm soil, due to the action of nitrogen, the specific root length, specific root area and specific root volume increased, and the growth of root density was slightly inhibited. In 10-20 cm soil, nitrogen promoted the specific root length, increased the specific root area, and inhibited the growth of root density and the increase of specific root volume. In 20-30 cm soil, the effect of nitrogen on root length, specific root area and root density was not obvious, but the contrastive root volume showed a negative correlation. Nitrogen showed a positive correlation with root length, specific root area, specific root volume, and root density in 30-50 cm soil. In the soil of 50-60 cm, there was a negative correlation between root length, specific root area, and specific root volume and root density. Principal component analysis showed that the correlation between the first principal component and nitrogen element, specific root length, specific root area, and specific volume was higher. The second principal component was more correlated with root density, and the third principal component was mainly related to phosphorus. The correlation between potassium and potassium was high. In addition, the correlation between the phosphorus and potassium elements was higher than that of the first main component, and the correlation between the nitrogen element and the third main component was high. 【Conclusion】 Under different soil depths, the root length, specific root area and specific root volume gradually increased, and the nitrogen content per unit mass root decreased continuously. The root morphological traits were mainly regulated by nitrogen, and the phosphoric and potassium elements had little effect on the regulation of root morphological traits.
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    An Anatomical Study on Flower Bud Differentiation of Miguang and Baoguang
    JIA Nan, YUAN Jun-wei, HAN Bin, LI Min-min, LIU Chang-jiang, YIN Yong-gang, SUN yan, GUO Zi-juan ZHAO Sheng-jian
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (11): 2015-2022.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.11.007
    Abstract938)      PDF (1301KB)(703)      
    Objective】 The study aims to observe the initiation time of flower bud differentiation and the speed of differentiation in different grape cultivars in the hope of providing theoretical foundation for alternate year bearing. 【Method】 The paraffin section method was used to observe the bud structure in the process of flower (cultivars Miguang, Baoguang and Summer Black).【 Result 】 The results showed that the whole process of the morphological differentiation of flower bud could be divided into the undifferentiating stage, the early differentiation of inflorescence stage, the inflorescence anlagen appearance stage, the formation of the main axis of inflorescence primordium stage, and the second branching of inflorescence primordium stage. The peak period of flower bud differentiation of Summer Black , Miguang and Baoguang occurred between the early June and the early August(about 60 days), between the early June and the mid to late June (about 40 days) and between the late May and the mid to late June(about 50 days) respectively.【Conclusion 】 In general, the morphological characteristics were basically the same in each stage in the three cultivars. The process of flower bud differentiation was slower, the duration of each stage was relatively longer and the stages were more overlapped with each other of Summer Black than Miguang and Baoguang.
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    Resistance Identification of Different Muskmelon Varieties in Xinjiang to Orobanche aegyptiaca
    PENG Jin-feng,YAO Zhao-qun,BAO Ya-zhou,CAO Xiao-lei,CHEN Mei-xiu, CHEN Hong-jiao,ZHAO-Si-feng
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2018, 55 (1): 95-104.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2018.01.011
    Abstract381)      PDF (1461KB)(682)      
    【Objective】 To identify the resistance level of Orobanche aegyptiaca on 31 varieties of muskmelon collected in Xinjiang and provide reference for planting arrangement of muskmelon variety and Orobanche aegyptiaca -resistant breeding.【Method】 Rhizotron, pot and field experiments were performed to evaluate resistance of 31 selected muskmelon varieties in Xinjiang to Orobanche aegyptiaca population.【Result】 The Jintianmi17, maintained a high level of resistance to Orobanche aegyptiaca . In rhizotron experiments, the notable developmental stagnated in species II parasitic state In pot and field experiment, Orobanche aegyptiaca parasitism rate on Jintianmi17 was 33.33% and 50.00%, and the degree of parasitism varied between 0.33 and 1.67, respectively. There were 4 melon cultivars such as Yazhoumi17 in the second category, which had a tolerance to Orobanche aegyptiaca . In rhizotron experiments, the notable developmental stagnated in species III parasitic state. In pot experiment, the parasitism rate of Orobanche aegyptiaca in these four varieties was 71.43%-75.00%, and the parasitic degree varied between 1.29-4.25. The other 26 muskmelon varieties were sensitive to the broomrape. In rhizotron experiments, they did not inhibit the normal growth of broomrape. In pot and field experiment, the highest Orobanche aegyptiaca parasitism rate in 26 muskmelon varieties were 100%, and the highest parasitic degrees were between 13.00 and 17.50 respectively.【Conclusion】 Among the 31 muskmelon varieties, 1 belongs to Orobanche aegyptiaca resistance variety, 4 belong to tolerance varieties and the other 26 are sensitive varieties to Orobanche aegyptiaca . In general, sensitive varieties of muskmelon are much more than resistance varieties. This is one of the main reasons why Orobanche aegyptiaca can cause serious damage in muskmelons in Xinjiang producing area.
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    Advances in Tomato Genome Research
    TANG Ya-ping, LI Ning, WANG Juan, WANG Bai-ke, YANG Sheng-bao, GUO Bin, YANG Tao, GUO Chun-miao, MA Kai, LIU Jun, WANG Huan, YU Qing-hui
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (2): 197-206.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.02.001
    Abstract424)      PDF (1144KB)(681)      
    【Objective】 As an important vegetable crop, tomato is a model plantform genetic research. The development of sequencing technology will lay a solid foundation for the excavation of important functional genes in tomato.【Method】 High quality of tomato genome information by analyzing and comparing the relative websites、researches and technologies will provide a reliable research strategy for breeders. 【Result】The development of sequencing technology has greatly promoted tomato genome research. It took eight years for sequencing and assembling the genome of cultivated tomato S. lycopersicum Heinz 1706 by first and second generation of sequencing technology. However, three wild tomato species was sequenced by second generation of sequencing technology only within three years. Comparing with the second generation of sequencing technology, the third generation of sequencing technology not only shorten the sequencing time, but also improved the genome quality by providing wild tomato S. pennellii genome sequence with higher integrity of 96.46%.【Conclusion】From the comparison of genome sequencing technology, we gained the conclusion that the third generation of sequencing technology has greatly improved the sequencing speed, the reading length and the accuracy of the genome sequencing. At the same time, it makes the genome assembly more accurate. The decoding of tomato genome information will open a new way for tomato researchers gained new varieties of tomato.
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    The community diversity of butterflies in Huocheng County, Xinjiang
    GUO Jie, WU Wei, JIANG Ling-ling, HU Hong-ying
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (3): 446-456.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.03.007
    Abstract464)      PDF (1223KB)(669)      
    Objective In order to explore species diversity of butterfly in five different habitats from Huocheng County .Method Butterfly monitoring was conducted with the line transect method from May to August in 2016 and 2017,and the diversity, evenness and dominance of the community on the levels of family, genus and species were studied by the method of α-diversity.Result The number of 1993 individuals were recorded, which belongs to 7 families, 29 genera and 39 species. Pieridae was the dominant family, which accounts for 54.9%; Parnassiidae、Papilionidae and Hesperiidae were regarded as the rare species. The species richness and quantity of the butterflies are different in different seasons, which reached their peaks in June and July. The diversity and similarity of butterfly communities in different habitats were compared, the diversity indices of butterfly in the typica habitats ranked in descending order of mountain forest > mountain steppe > cropland > subalpine meadow > desert. The largest similarity coefficient of the five different habitats was found between the mountain steppe and subalpine meadow (0.458) , the least was between desert and subalpine meadow (0.2) .Conclusion Our results indicated that butterfly diversity was closely related to the habitat type. At the same time, the factors, including the composition of the plant community, the altitude, the degree of human disturbance and the temperature do have a great influence on the diversity of the butterfly community.
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    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 5'UTR Intron of GhFAD2-1 Gene from Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
    SUN Liang, WEN Feng, LIU Feng, ZHANG Xin-yu, SUN Jie
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2018, 55 (1): 1-8.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2018.01.001
    Abstract304)      PDF (2046KB)(666)      
    【Objective】 Cloning and sequence analysis of the 5'UTR intron of the delta 12- oleic acid desaturase gene GhFAD2-1 would lay the foundation for the study of the expression and regulation of GhFAD2-1 . 【Method】 In this study, the 5'UTR sequence of GhFAD2-1 was cloned by 5'RACE technology. And then, 5'UTR intron of GhFAD2-1 was cloned in combination with the cotton genome sequence. Cis elements were also analyzed by PLACE and other bioinformatics software.【Result】 The GhFAD2-1 5'UTR sequence 77 bp was obtained from Gossypium hirsutum using 5'RACE technique. The result showed that the transcription start site is T based on a combination of 5'UTR and genome sequence analysis. GhFAD2-1 5'UTR contained a full-length 1,103 bp intron sequence in the A genome of cotton. The full-length sequence of GhFAD2-1 5'UTR intron was 1,111 bp in D genome. The cleavage sites of 5' UTR intron were AA-GG, CA-GC, respectively. Cis element analysis showed that the intron included some typical function and optical response related elements and elements related to hormone regulation or stress response.【Conclusion】 5'UTR intron sequences of GhFAD2-1 gene were cloned from the A and D genome, respectively. The transcription start site and the cleavage sites of 5' UTR intron were also identified. The results have laid a foundation to further study expression and regulation of GhFAD2-1 at the molecular level.
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    Progress, Problems and Prospects of Xinjiang Long-staple Cotton (G.barbadense L.)Breeding
    Alifu Aierxi, ZHU Jiahui, LI Jin, WANG Weiran, NING Xinmin, LIU Zhiqing, KONG Jie
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2020, 57 (3): 393-400.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2020.03.001
    Abstract824)      PDF (1336KB)(658)      
    【Objective】 Since the introduction of long-staple cotton from Central Asia in 1953, Xinjiang has accounted for more than 30% of the total output in the world, among which the new varieties have played a pillar role in industrial development. This paper aims to analyze the progress and existing problems of the cultivars since the introduction in the hope of clarifying the development context of Xinjiang long-staple cotton breeding in various periods, exploring the issues and solutions of the current variety technology, and breeding work for some time in the future. Prospects are made to provide technical reference for the development of new varieties in the future. 【Methods】 A total of 74 long-staple cotton cultivars cultivated in Xinjiang in different periods were used as research materials. And through 6 years of multi-planting in the field, the obtained data were combined with literature we got and then went through collation, statistics and analysis. 【Results】 In the past 66 years, 74 new varieties of long-staple cotton with excellent comprehensive traits have been bred in Xinjiang. The main economic characteristics of the main cultivars have been improved significantly, and the breeding techniques have been continuously enhanced to ensure the production needs in different periods. At the same time, there are outstanding problems such as plant type, single quality type, lack of high-yield and stable-yielding varieties, urgent improvement of applicability, and backward development of modern biological breeding technology. It is proposed that the development of long-staple cotton should be based on the accurate identification of germplasm resources in the coming period, aiming at the introduction and utilization of breakthrough resources, continuously expanding the sources of backbone parents, and strengthening the research and utilization of modern biological breeding techniques, in order to cultivate new varieties. Provide support. 【Conclusion】 In the future, long-staple cotton breeding should focus on the new situation facing the development of the industry, pay attention to balancing the economic interests of the major components of the industrial chain, and establish breeding goals. In those times, breeding should focus on improving the high yield and stability of the variety under the premise of ensuring quality. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the improvement of disease resistance, insect, inverse protection and other traits in order to better promote the overall goal of breeding.
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    Pathogen Identification and Occurrence Regularity of Powdery Mildew of Coreopsis grandiflora in Shihezi
    HAI Yan, LI Yan, FANG Zhi-hao, WANG Kai-tao, REN Yu-zhong
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (11): 2072-2078.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.11.013
    Abstract844)      PDF (1355KB)(644)      
    Objective】 To identify the pathogenic species and explore dynamic epidemic of Coreopsis grandiflora powdery mildew in Shihezi area. 【Method】 Morphological and molecular approaches were adopted to identify the pathogen of Coreopsis grandiflora powdery mildew, and dynamic of disease epidemic was systematically surveyed. 【Result】 The results showed that the conidiophores were up-right and producing 2-4 conidia in chains. Conidia were 24.4-34.2 μm×14.6-22.0 μm, Chasmothecia were dark brown, spherical, 115.1( 96.3-139.0)μm in diameter. Chasmothecium contained one asci with eight ascospores. Asci were sessile, broadly ellipsoid-ovoid to subglobose,68.3-131.7 μm×56.1-80.5 μm. Ascospores were 14.6-26.8 μm×12.2-21.7 μm. Appendages were mycelioid. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA of the fungus was amplified and sequenced. The resultant 563 BP sequence was produced. A GenBank BLAST search of the China and Korea isolates showed above 99.0% similarity with Podosphaera fusca (Accession numbers are: KM225763, JX546297, KR049083 and MF476989) . 【Conclusion 】 Therefore, the pathogen causing powdery mildew of Coreopsis grandiflora was identified as Podosphaera fusca. The disease began in the middle of April, reached its peak in late June, and began to decline in early July in Shihezi of Xinjiang.
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    Review on the Research Progress of Water and Fertilizer Integration
    MA Fu-yu, LIU Yang, CUI Jing, FAN Hua, LU Yang, LI Ming-ren
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (1): 183-192.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.01.022
    Abstract904)      PDF (1214KB)(593)      
    【Objective】 Fertigation technology, which has experienced a development for more than 100 years, is in a rapid growth now. A comprehensive summary and review of the development trend of water-fertilizer integration technology not only can improve the efficiency of water and fertilizer utilization by reducing fertilizer application and decreasing the leaching losses of nutrients, but it can also improve the mobility of phosphorus, potassium and other immobile elements in soil.【Methods】 Looking back on the development of water and fertilizer integration technology in the past 50 years, the water and fertilizer integration technology had many advantages, such as increasing water content and fertilizer utilization rate, and being conducive to the sustainable development of agricultural production, which could not only greatly reduce fertilizer use, decrease the loss of nutrients such as nitrogen leaching, enhance the mobility of phosphorus, potassium and other elements in the soil, improve their utilization efficiency, but also improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, maintain soil loose state, improve soil porosity. All these were beneficial to the growth and development of crop root system without destroying the soil granular structure and at the same time, good ventilation performance was maintained. The development of water-soluble fertilizer is in a very active period. The development of water-soluble fertilizer tends to the direction of high solubility, high content, liquid state and total nutrition. The popularization and application of integrated water and fertilizer technology is of great significance for reducing fertilizer application and increasing efficiency.【Results】 At present, the development of fertigation is faced with problems:(1) lack of customized fertilizers based on soil fertility, crop types and growth periods; (2) no matching of the physical and chemical characteristics of water-soluble fertilizer with crop planting technology and fertigation facilities; (3) insufficiency of the breadth and depth of the popularization of fertigation. When prospecting for the future development of fertigation technology: it is necessary (i) to strengthen the scientific operation and planning of crop nutrition with the convenient conditions of fertigation equipment; (ii) to strengthen the application of total fertigation on phosphate and potash; and (iii) vigorously to promote the technology of proportional inject fertilization to improve the precision of fertilization.【Conclusion】 We should strengthen the scientific management of crop nutrition, implement the dynamic regulation and control of nutrition management in crop growth period, popularize the application of phosphate fertilizer in the way of after-application, use intelligent variable-rate fertilization management system, and significantly reduce the use of fertilizer by implementing the integrated technology of water and fertilizer.
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    Drought Resistance Yield Index and Varieties Selection of Rapeseed
    YIN Ting, YU Qinglan, ZHAO Zhigang
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2020, 57 (3): 450-463.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2020.03.008
    Abstract310)      PDF (1188KB)(586)      
    【Objective】 To screen out the yield index and drought resistance of rapeseed varieties with strong drought resistance, so as to lay a foundation for breeding drought resistance varieties. 【Methods】 Under the conditions of dry-land, the agronomic traits of the materials were first compared to analyze whether there was any difference between the materials. Secondly, the drought resistance identification yield index (DRC, SSI, DRI, DI) of the materials. Comparative analyses of index, DRI and DI were carried out. Finally, suitable drought resistance identification yield indicators were selected, and rapeseed varieties with strong drought resistance were screened in the tested materials. 【Results】 The results showed that the plant height and yield of 25 tested rapeseed varieties under different drought stresses decreased to varying degrees, and the differences among the materials were significant. Among the drought resistance identification yield indicators, (1) DRC and SSI could be used to evaluate the stability of the variety, but cannot reflect the yield of the dry land; (2) The DRI did not only investigate the yield stability of rape varieties, but also took into account the dryland yield, and compared with the average yield of the same group of dryland, which was more suitable for the identification of drought resistance of rapeseed varieties. (3) The revision formula of DI utilized the yield of the control varieties, which was the same as the trend of drought resistance ability of the tested rape varieties reflected by the DRI. By taking into account the absolute yield and drought resistance coefficient of the tested varieties in dryland and water land, the high yield and drought resistance of the tested varieties were evaluated. Therefore, the DRI and DI were suitable for the comprehensive drought resistance identification of rapeseed varieties. On this basis, among the three types of test materials, according to the DRI, DI and the two habitats (drought-land and water-land), Qingza 12, Qingza 11, Dalajie, Yao 328-331 and Dahuang were selected. 【Conclusion】 The DRI and DI of rapeseed drought resistance varieties are suitable for comprehensive evaluation and identification of drought resistance. The drought resistance varieties selected from 25 rapeseed resources based on screening indicators are Qingza 12, Qingza 11, Dalajie, Yao 328-331 and Dahuang.
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    The Construction and Application of Comprehensive Evaluation Index System for Integrated Development of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industries in Rural Xinjiang
    TIAN Cong-hua, HAN Xiao, MIAO Hong-ping, XU Zhong, TIAN Li-wen
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (3): 580-588.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.03.022
    Abstract618)      PDF (1320KB)(553)      
    Objective Based on the deployment strategy of promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way by the state and autonomous region, this paper aims at the present situation of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries in Xinjiang, establishes an index system, evaluates their development, finds out the weak links, and puts forward measures to promote the integration of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries in Xinjiang.Method According to the related literature, using Delphi method, 11 experts were employed to rate the evaluation index, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the comprehensive index method were used to construct the evaluation index system.Result The integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries was about to step into the growth stage in rural Xinjiang. The weaknesses toward the development were mainly in the following areas: strength of farmers' organizations, enhancement of multi-functionality of agriculture, development of E-commerce of agricultural products, the inputs of agricultural technology, transfer of rural labor forces and shortage of public resources in rural areas. Conclusion Xinjiang has solid basis for integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Xinjiang should take the cultivation of new type of agricultural management as the core. Xinjiang should take science and technology as the guide and take the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization with high degree of integration and strong driving force as the support to promote the development of the rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, to prosper the countryside, and then to promote the development of agricultural rural modernization.
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    Toxicities of Essential Oils derived from 4 Artemisia species against Tetranychus turkestani and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Artemisia capillaries
    ZHAO Na-na, LU Wei, FU Wen-jia, Gvlmira Amat, DU Shu-ya
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (1): 166-173.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.01.020
    Abstract443)      PDF (1165KB)(549)      
    【Objective】 This project aims to screen the control effect and the acaricidal activity of bio-miticides in the hope of providing the theoretical basis for the biological control and application of a new biological acaricide.【Method】 In order to explore the mite killing activity of the essential oil of four species of Artemisia species in the compositae family, the essential oil of plants was extracted by steam distillation, and the toxicity of the essential oil of different plants to T. turkestani leaf mite was determined by using the method of leaves-immersion bioassays. 【Result】 The result of the study showed that four essential oils were found to possess contact toxicity against T. turkestani, and the three essential oils (Artemisia capillaries, A. rupestris and A. selengensis) exhibited strong contact toxicity against adult T. turkestani with LC50 (median lethal concentration) value of 17.49, 18.17 and 22.26 mg/mL, and the LC50 was 4.25, 4.41 and 5.40 times of the positive control pyrethrum extract (LC50=4.12 mg/mL) respectively, which was slightly weaker than the pyrethrum extract. The activity of A. annua essential oils were weak, LC50 was 54.00 mg/mL, 13.10 times of the positive control pyrethrum extract. The commercial essential oil of A. capillaries was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 33 compounds were identited, accounting for 100.00% of the total oil, and the main components of the essential oil of A. capillaries were Germacrene D (16.16%), Caryophyllene oxider (10.42%) and A-Biorangesolanesol (7.03%)followed by tau.-Muurolol (4.83%) .【Conclusion】 The study indicates that the essential oil of A. capillaries has potentials to be developed into natural acaricide for the control of spider mites so it is of guiding significance to study the rational use of bio-acaricide for cotton field. In conclusion, this study can provide a theoretical basis for the synthesis of plant-derived acaricide.
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    Spatial-temporal Variations of Temperature and Precipitation in Xinjiang from 1961 to 2013
    KANG Li-juan, Batur Bake, LUO Na-na, XUE Ya-rong, WANG Meng-hui
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2018, 55 (1): 123-133.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2018.01.014
    Abstract542)      PDF (2397KB)(539)      
    【Objective】 Based on the daily mean temperature and daily precipitation data collected frp, 65 meteorological stations in Xinjiang during 1961-2013, the temporal and spatial variations of temperature and precipitation in Xinjiang in recent 53 years were analyzed.【Method】 The linear tendency rate method was used to analyze the increase and decrease trend of temperature and precipitation in the time series in Xinjiang for the past half century and the cumulative anomaly method and Mann-Kendall mutation test method were used to compare and analyze the abrupt changes of average annual moderate precipitation in Xinjiang. Also, the inverse distance weighted interpolation method was applied to interpolate the climatic tendency rate of each station in Xinjiang.【Result】 The results showed that the average annual temperature and precipitation in this region displayed a significant upward trend, the climatic tendency rate respectively was 0.324℃/10 a(P<0.01)and 16.238 mm/10 a(P<0.01), and the abrupt change occurred in 1993 and 1983 respectively. In addition, all of the seasonal temperatures and precipitation showed increasing trends, the increase of temperature in winter time was highest(0.39 ℃/10 a), and the increase of precipitation in summer was highest(4.799 mm/10 a). The decade change of annual and seasonal mean temperature and precipitation also showed spatially increasing trends. In the spatial variation, the eastern Xinjiang and the western and northern parts of the northern Xinjiang were significantly warmer, and the precipitation was increased in northern Xinjiang, Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, the western of Kashgar Prefecture and the eastern Hotan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang.【Conclusion】 The temperature and precipitation in Xinjiang has been increasing in both time and space, showing a warm and humid phenomenon.
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    Effect of Foliar Application 5-Aminolevulinic Acid on Photosynthetic Pigment and Yield and Quality of Processing Tomato in Fields
    ZHANG Xiao-hong, GUO Gang, WANG Zhu-long, ZHOU Xiao-yun
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2018, 55 (8): 1436-1443.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2018.08.008
    Abstract454)      PDF (1020KB)(526)      
    【Objective】 To study the effect of the foliar application exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on the fruit yield and quality of processed tomatoes in the field in the hope of providing the basic theoretical basis for its popularization and application in processing tomatoes.【Method】 Two processing tomato varieties, H1015 and H3402, were used as experimental materials. Different concentrations of ALA were sprayed regularly on the leaves of young fruits. The relationship between relative indexes of yield and quality of mature fruit and ALA was analyzed.【Result】 The content of photosynthetic pigments in functional leaves of processing tomato increased with the increase of ALA concentration in foliar spraying. The average yield of H1015 under ALA treatment (50.0 mg / L) was 15.12% higher than that of the control, while that of H3402 increased by 12.01%. The soluble solids of H1015 increased by 10.43%.【Conclusion】 Foliar application of ALA on processing tomato leaves during the fruit development, exogenous ALA is involved in the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments in processing tomato leaves, and improves the photosynthetic pigment content of processed tomato leaves. The efficiency of leaf photosynthesis promotes the accumulation of leaf photosynthetic materials, promotes the growth and development of processing tomato fruits, thus increasing the yield, and also changing the distribution ratio of photosynthetic substances in various tissues and organs, and improves the quality of processed tomatoes to some degrees.
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    Study on Fruit Quality and Aroma Components of Main Apple Varieties in Cold Region
    LIU Chang, WANG Kun, AN Meng-meng, MEI Chuang, CAO Yang, YU Wen-quan, BU Hai-dong, CHENG Xian-min, GU Guang-jun, MENG Xiang-hai, DONG Xue-mei, CHENG Cun-gang
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (10): 1846-1859.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.10.010
    Abstract363)      PDF (1112KB)(518)      
    【Objective】 To analyze the main sugar, organic acid and other fruit characters of four main cold resistant apple varieties and study the main aroma components in the hope of providing the basis for the improvement of apple varieties in cold region. 【Method】 Heilongjiang 4 main planting cold-resistant varieties were selected as test materials to analyze the total phenols, antioxidant capacity, flavonoids, pericarp anthocyanins, soluble solids and VC contents of the fruits. Sugar and acid were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the main composition and content of aroma were detected and analyzed by HS-SPME method. 【Result】 Among the fruits of 4 apple varieties, the order of soluble solids content from high to low was the Longguan > Longfeng > Qiyuexian > Jinhong. On the whole, the total sugar contents from high to low were: Jinhong >Longfeng > Qiyuexian > Longguan. From the point of view of total acid content, they were: Jinhong > Qiyuexian >Longfeng > Longguan. A total of 9 types of volatile compounds were detected, of which 7 types played the main roles, and the sequence of components from large to small was: ester > olefin >heterocyclic >acids > alcohol > aldehyde > alkane. Fruit aroma substances mainly concentrated in alcohols, olefins and esters. Among them, the ester content was the highest (56.24%), and the main expression was "fruit aroma" taste. There were significant differences in sugar - acid ratio and taste evaluation among different varieties. The maximum amount of Longguan was 22.96, and the lowest in July Fresh was 9.92, showing a taste of acid. 【Conclusion】 The sugar and acid composition and content of the fruits of the four apple varieties were significantly different, all of which were "ester aroma type " apples, indicating that esters may play a decisive role in the formation of the fruit flavor of these fruits.
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    Studies on Grain Filling Dynamics of Spring Wheat in Xinjiang by Logistic Equation Fitting
    LI Jian-feng , FAN Zhe-ru , ZHANG Yue-qiang , WANG Zhong , GAO Xin, SHI Jia, ZHANG Hong-zhi , ZHAO Qi
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (11): 2006-2014.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.11.006
    Abstract508)      PDF (1287KB)(497)      
    Objective】 To study the difference of grain filling genotypes of major spring wheat varieties in Xinjiang. 【Method】 Logistic equation was used to fit the grain growth dynamics, and the first derivative of the equation was calculated to obtain the grain growth rate equation, and the main characteristic values of grain filling of major spring wheat varieties in Xinjiang were obtained. 【Result】 The dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation in 9 varieties showed an "S" curve, i.e. the dynamic growth process began from slow to fast and back to slow process. The total dry matter quality of the tested varieties was (23.2±2.87) g/10 spike. The dynamic increase of grain dry matter quality at sampling stage was the highest at 14 and 19 days after the first florescence stage, and the lowest at 31 and 37 days after the initial florescence stage;The theoretical K value of the tested varieties was estimated to be (24.08±3.12) g/10 panicles. The overall performance of the rapid grain filling period was as follows: it entered the initial stage of rapid grain filling 12.60 days after the initial florescence, reached the termination stage of rapid grain- filling 24.94 days after the initial florescence, the duration of the rapid grain filling period was 12.34 days, and the contribution rate of grain dry matter accumulation reached 83.56%±7.06% in the termination stage of rapid grain filling. The overall performance of the maximum relative grain -filling rate (Vm) was (1.40±0.45) g/10 panicle/d. 12.60 days after the initial flowering period entered the starting stage of rapid filling. 【Conclusions 】 In recent years, the grain filling dry matter quality of new spring wheat varieties approved in recent years showed a trend of increasing gradually, namely, the rising trend of grain weight per panicle increased. The 0-25 days after the initial flowering stage was the key period for grain filling of spring wheat in Xinjiang, and it was an important period to make full use of agricultural measures such as water and fertilizer allocation to obtain high panicle grain weight. The four varieties Xinchun 38, Xinchun 44, Xinchun 6 and Xinchun 40 had the potential of high grain weight. Xinchun 39, Xinchun 6 and Xinchun 37 had short grain filling periods and belonged to varieties with relatively faster filling speed. Among them, Xinchu 6 was a strong grain filling variety with higher theoretical K value and relatively faster filling speed.
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    Comparative Analysis of Sugar Components and Contents of Eight Grape Cultivars in Xinjiang
    ZHONG Hai-xia, ZHOU Xiao-ming, QI Ying-ying, ZHANG Fu-chun, LU Shen-zu, PAN Ming-qi, ZHANG Wen, XIE Hui, HAN Shou-an, WANG Min, Ermek Caikasima, WU Xin-yu
    Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences    2019, 56 (7): 1253-1261.   DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2019.07.009
    Abstract649)      PDF (1161KB)(476)      
    【Objective】 To compare and analyze the characteristics of sugar components and contents in the mature period of 8 grape cultivars in Xinjiang in the hope of laying a theoretical foundation for the selection of high-sugar grape varieties and the control of fruit quality in the future. 【Method】Red Globe Grape, Victoria,Muscat Hamburg, XinYu, Flame Seedless, Summer Black, Crimson Seedlessand Munage were taken as the research objects, the soluble solid contents were determined by sampling at the ripening stage, and the sugar components and contents were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); The proportion of each component to the total soluble sugar was analyzed and the sugar components and content characteristics of each variety were compared.【Result】The results showed that glucose and fructose accumulation were the main sugar components in the eight varieties at fruit ripening stage, supplemented by sucrose. Among them, fructose accounted for 52.51% of total sugar, glucose accounted for 49.58% of total sugar, and sucrose accounted for only 3.14% of total sugar. There were significant or extremely significant differences in glucose and fructose contents in eight grape fruits, among which Flame Seedless content was the highest, significantly or extremely significantly higher than other varieties, and Victoria was the lowest. The content of soluble solids in Flame Seedless was 61.8% higher than that in Victoria, and the content of fructose was 55.42% higher than that in Victoria. By cluster analysis, the relationship between Flame Seedless and the sugar components of Crimson Seedless, Summer Black was close, and that between Victoria and other varieties was relatively far. 【Conclusion】Through the comparative analysis of 8 grape varieties, the high-sugar variety Seedless Flame Seedless was selected as the high-fructose variety, and the low-sugar variety Victoria was selected as the low-fructose type.
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